Daily Dish the Sonoma Market blog

Succulent Care Guide
Please note that this is an older article. Any products or services pictured or described may have changed or may no longer be available. Thank you for visiting!
By a show of hands, who loves succulents? Next question: who has trouble keeping them alive…? If you fall in this category, don’t worry—we can help! Our floral pros put together a cheat sheet for keeping your adorable little plant happy and healthy for the long haul. With these easy tips, your succulents will be thriving in no time!
By a show of hands, who loves succulents? Next question: who has trouble keeping them alive…? If you fall in this category, don’t worry—we can help! Our floral pros put together a cheat sheet for keeping your adorable little plant happy and healthy for the long haul. With these easy tips, your succulents will be thriving in no time!
Watering: Succulents need steady nourishment. When watering, add enough water to drench the soil. Water slowly and notice the change in color of the soil as it accepts the water. Ensure excess water can seep out of the soil by keeping your succulent in a planter with a saucer. Don’t water again until the soil is dry. Pro Tip: Place a stone on the soil—when it’s dry underneath, it’s time to water! You can also stick your finger into the soil down to the knuckle. If your fingertip comes up dry, it’s time to water. Best times to water are in the early morning or in the late afternoon.
Fun Fact: Did you know that the word “succulent” refers to the juicy tissue that stores water?
Light: Succulents love the sun and are happiest in temperatures between 70-80°F. Place your succulent by a window with plenty of light. You’ll know if your succulent needs more light when the leaves fade in color or become spindly and elongated. Succulents may also start to flower with an unexpected drop in temperature.
Fun Fact: Did you know all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti?
Planting/Repotting: Succulents do best in a soil that is equal parts potting soil and sand. Avoid potting soils that contain vermiculite, and look for sand that is clean and coarse. Once potted, do your best to avoid repotting, as this disturbs the roots and can shock your succulent. Look for round pots that are 1–2 inches wider than the succulent and at least ⅓ as deep as the height of the plant.
Sold on succulents? Whether it’s a gift for a friend or some well-deserved self-care, the next time you’re in the market for some pretty plants, consider a succulent. Visit your local Nugget Markets Floral Department to see what we have in store!
Article originally published in January of 2021 and updated in September of 2023.