CA-Grown Cabbage
Don’t just wear green, eat it too! California-grown cabbage is in and on sale this week at 25¢/lb., save 74¢/lb.!
Don’t just wear green, eat it too! California-grown cabbage is in and on sale this week at 25¢/lb., save 74¢/lb.!
When you choose a color or variety of roses for someone, you are personalizing your gift with deeper sentiment. Use our guide to help you communicate your feelings.
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … SUPER GREENS! This super-healthy blend of red and green chard, tat soi, arugula and spinach is just the type of food your trainer would recommend — but don’t worry, there are no initiation fees on these greens!
People ask me this question all the time: Which one is a sweet potato, which is a yam, and which one do I want? The answer, however, is not particularly simple. In American grocery stores, you typically find both “yams” and “sweet potatoes.” However, despite the labels, most of the time both are really sweet potatoes. The real “true yam,” popular in the Caribbean, is rarely seen in the US.
Though they’re available year-round, fresh herbs really become essential for the holidays. These often overlooked produce items pack quite a punch of flavor for a low price.
Almost any dish can be tweaked with these little gems of greenery: from meats to sauces, veggies and even baked goods. Try slipping stems of fresh sage, rosemary and thyme under the skin of your holiday turkey before cooking. Rosemary and fresh chives can add some zing to mashed potatoes, and chopped chives also can be tossed into a classic green bean casserole. And don’t forget about the gravy; try infusing it with delicious flavors of fresh sage, rosemary and thyme. • Adam Bazarnik, Produce
Farm Owner Greg Beccio has been growing organically for more than 20 years in the central coast region of Northern California. Happy Boy Farms is based near Watsonville and tends to multiple plots of lands located in neighboring counties. Pick up these incredible heirlooms for $2.99/lb., save $3/lb. from July 20–24 only.
Use these healthy grilling tips to feel good about grilling all summer long!
Just in! A brand new apple variety just hit our stores and it's juicy, sweet, and crisp. But hurry in, they won't be around for long.
Making their traditional appearance this time of year with ghoulishly carved faces, pumpkins also should make a showing on the dinner table for a boost to heart health. Pumpkins are packed with a staggering 10,000 milligrams of carotenes in a half-cup mashed (either made from fresh pumpkins or scooped right out of a can). These compounds, which act as antioxidants, help protect heart health by keeping the “bad” LDL cholesterol from damaging artery walls. Cooked pumpkin also supplies potassium and fiber, both crusaders for heart health.
‘Tis the season for cranberries, and they’re fresh in Nugget’s produce section from September through December. The fiber in cranberries is the water-soluble type that’s been shown to help curb appetite as well as lower circulating levels of cholesterol.’