Daily Dish the Sonoma Market blog

Talk Curd-y to Me
Exclusive to our Specialty Cheese selection is a very special new item: cheese curds from Wisconsin! Our Cheese Team went all the way to America’s Dairyland to procure these curds, learn more about the process and even collaborate on a batch!
Warning: we’re about to go full curd nerd. And how could we not? Exclusive to our Specialty Cheese selection is a very special new item: cheese curds from Wisconsin! Our Director of Specialty Cheese, Jaclyn N., went all the way to America’s Dairyland with some of her team to procure these curds, learn more about the process and even collaborate on a batch!
The source of these captivating curds? Henning’s Cheese, a fourth-generation cheesemaking family in rural Kiel, Wisconsin. Situated on the Niagara Escarpment, the pasture-grazed local cows produce mineral-rich milk, resulting in a uniquely flavored cheese.
At the helm of the whole operation is Kerry Henning, Master Cheesemaker—a status achieved through Wisconsin’s Master Cheese program, which involves a rigorous written exam, an apprenticeship, submissions of cheese for evaluation and at least 10 years of experience in the craft, plus more. So, while cheese curds are always good, you know these ones are extra amazing. Our team even got into the making process!
It all starts with pasteurized milk imbued with starter cultures for that distinctive cheddar flavor. The lactose then turns to lactic acid, and the more you have, the tangier the flavor. Then, rennet is added to coagulate the milk and separate the whey from the curd. Once heated, it’s transported to a finishing table where it separates into two banks and the whey is drained. Here, the “cheddaring” begins. It rests in slabs and loses more whey. Then, they turn into curds in a mill, and salt is added for flavor! The packaging stage happens here.
Fresh, this protein-packed snack can be enjoyed on its own, battered and deep-fried, or on fruit or veggie skewers. You can also enjoy them with berries, apples, buttery crackers, sausage, lagers, pale ales, light pilsners, crisp white wines or as a garnish for your Bloody Mary! And to regain that signature squeak, just carefully put them in your microwave for eight seconds. Voilà—the word of curd is spread! Now go enjoy them in these enticing recipes.